Revitalization of the Uhřiněves garden

The charming garden at the family house in Předpolní Street is characterized by a large number of tall, coniferous trees. The concept of the original design is timeless, but with respect to the considerable time gap, some of the originally proposed plants are now missing, and the garden looks gloomy due to the dark shades of evergreen trees and bushes and lacks color contrast and variability throughout the year. Due to old age, some trees are already in a poor state of health and their efficiency and orchard value is low. While preserving the natural aspect, a quiet and safe space, the proposed revitalization of the garden respects the Genia loci of this place. The project documentation deals with the appropriate planting of trees in the gaps after dead and felled individuals, at the same time it is supplemented with a suitable shrub layer and compact perennial beds framing the scenery of the used compositions of woody plants growing in the peripheral parts of the garden.

Plan (1 MB)